Bug Hunter Ultimate (Bug Hunter PRO-SL8)
- Bug Hunter PRO-SL8 is a professional grade ,
- handheld RF bug detector &counter surveillance sweeper ,
- with a extra-wide frequency scan range,
- burst bug detection and audio demodulation,
- priced for the everyday user in mind
The PRO-SL8 packs all the necessary features of a professional RF (radio frequency) detector:
- Extra-wide frequency range (0-8GHz),
- high sensitivity,
- 20 segment bar-graph signal strength display,
- 0-6GHz frequency counter and audio confirmation.
Latest Hardware – Superfast Sweep
Once a suspect signal is detected its signal strength will be displayed with optional audio beep tone to help you pinpoint the signal source. The Bug Hunter PRO-SL8 can also be set to silent vibrate mode for ultra discreet or concealed use, in a jacket pocket for example. With the supplied earphones connected the demodulated signal can then be heard which will help confirm the type of RF transmission. The device has the latest hardware with superfast frequency sweep and class-leading sensitivity capable of locating the latest covert tracking, listening, cellular and video device.
OLED Display – Frequency Counter
The PRO-SL8 also features a frequency counter that can display the frequency of a detected signal (0-6000 MHz) to quickly and reliably establish what kind of signal is present, whilst performing a countermeasures sweep. Once a signal is located it is then processed by the intelligent software algorithms of the device to determine whether a signal is Analogue or Digital. These features allow fast elimination of innocent signals from a sweep. All this information is displayed on the OLED display which can be clearly viewed in all lighting conditions.
Sensitive Burst Detection Feature
The ‘Burst Detect’ feature helps to locate the latest digital devices that only transmit momentarily and can therefore be easily missed using conventional bug detectors. Such devices include GPS Trackers and GSM (Mobile phone) based devices where a data ‘Burst’ signal or SMS (Text Message) is sent momentarily. The PRO-SL8 will alert you if a device has transmitted within the vicinity even for just a fraction of a second.
High Quality Unit – Accessories Supplied
The unit has an internal rechargeable lithium battery pack and uses an intelligent charger system to ensure the battery remains in top condition for the most demanding situations. The whole unit is contained within a machined aircraft-grade aluminium enclosure for ultimate performance and durability. It is supplied together with accessories (including interchangeable charge plugs for worldwide deployment/use) all contained in a professional hard plastic portable carry case for further protection and portability.
Professional Device – Simple to Use
If you are looking for a professional, but simple to operate ultra compact wide band bug detector that uses the latest sophisticated hardware and software then the PRO-SL8 has to be worthy of consideration
- Feature rich professional grade handheld RF countersurveillance sweeper
- Designed to detect both digital and analogue signals
- Super-wide frequency response 8000MHz (8GHz)
- Built in frequency counter (0 to 6000 MHz)
- Digital ‘burst’ signal detect for burst/GSM/3G/GPS devices
- 20 segment signal strength bar-graph indicator
- Ultra-high sensitivity to locate even the weakest signals
- Latest OLED display clear and visible in all conditions
- Audio demodulation (for ease of detecting transmission type)
- Silent, vibrate and beep modes indicate strong signal detection
- Internal Lithium battery pack and mains charger
- Supplied with accessories including changeable worldwide charging plugs
- Aesthetically pleasing machined aluminium enclosure for ultimate durability
Q & A
Will this device find all radio frequency bugs?
The PRO-SL8 unit has a very wide frequency scan range, up to 8GHz, has burst bug alert and is designed to pick up over 98% of available RF bugs on the market. It would be rare to find one bug detector that could be used to identify all devices.
Can the PRO-SL8 unit detect voice recorders?
No, voice recorders to not transmit a frequency and therefore cannot be detected by RF detection equipment. A Non-Linear Junction Detector is the only type of device that can detect this type of bugging device. This is why physical search is paramount.
Can the PRO-SL8 detect wireless cameras?
This product is able to detect wireless cameras that transmit on 1.2GHz, 2.4GHz and also 5.8GHz wireless cameras. it can also detect signals from 3G, 4G and WiFi cameras that also use the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency range.
Can I hear through the device when an audio bug is detected?
The PRO-SL8 does have audio demodulation. Dependant upon the the frequency detected, a different demodulated signal sound is produced. This can assist in confirmation of the type of frequency being detected.
Will the PRO-SL8 easily detect tracking devices?
It is possible to use this product to identify tracker transmissions especially because it has a burst bug detection facility and frequency counter.The sensitivity of the device is also an aid to detecting short-burst tracking device transmissions.
Bug Detector