Amplified Pro Mono -Stereo Parabolic Microphone System
- Professional Grade
- Parabolic Audio Surveillance Unit
- Can Connect Headphones
- External Recorder Output
- Headphones and Recorder NOT Included
- The Amplified Parabolic models are the most popular.
- The versatile, low noise preamp can achieve professional quality results with almost any recording device, plus provides a direct headphone output.
- The Amplified models are available for both our Pro Mono Parabolic Microphone and Pro Mono-Stereo Parabolic Microphone.
- The Amplified Pro Mono-Stereo models include a built-in mixer to allow the three microphone channels to be mixed to a two channel stereo signal.
The Low Noise Amplified Models of our Parabolic Microphones add the following features to our professional parabolic microphone models:
Very Low Noise Electronic Microphone Preamplifier
Step-less Analog Gain Control
Provides Quick Easy Plug-in Headphone Use
Line Level Output for Low Cost Recorders
Amplified Mic Level Output for DSLR, Camcorder, or Wireless transmitter
Balanced XLR Microphone Outputs are Maintained and Unamplified
Built in Audio Mixer for the Mono-Stereo Model
New for 2019! Amp Pro Mono models now have a 3 position filter, normal, 220Hz High Pass, and 3KHz Low Pass available for the 3.5mm outputs.
For the first time, a high performance, low noise microphone preamplifier has been integrated directly into a professional parabolic microphone. The Amplified Pro Mono and Amplified Pro Mono-Stereo Models both include this amplifier. This innovative approach will simplify and improve the way sounds are recorded at a lower overall cost. Applications include nature recording, sports broadcasting, law enforcement, videography, surveillance, or just to enjoy hearing like you never could before. The amplified models are our most popular due to the versatility of having a direct headphone output, a line output for use with inexpensive recorders, and an amplified mic output, all while maintaining the balanced, unamplified XLR outputs. No other parabolic microphone can come close to the performance and features!
As a low noise, professional microphone preamplifier, this electronic amplifier will add no audible noise to the already exceptionally low noise Wildtronics Parabolic Microphones. Up to 64dB of step-less gain is available, providing full line level output from even low level sounds with our high level output microphones. Using the 3.5mm line level output with low cost, hand-held recorders will dramatically improve the recorder's signal to noise ratio, often resulting in performance comparable to that of recorders costing over $1000. The main weakness of low cost recorders is high microphone input noise. Using our low noise amplifier and selecting line input, on your recorder, eliminates this weakness. Therefore, you can reduce your total equipment budget, and make your equipment much more portable as well. All balanced XLR microphone outputs are maintained, and are not affected by the amplifier, for those who have high quality XLR compatible equipment.
Directly plug in your 3.5mm headphones, without any other equipment, to improve hearing for enjoying wildlife, law enforcement needs, surveillance, industrial maintenance, or research. The headphone output will provide up to 35 milli watts and has half the noise of many professional headphone amplifiers. While you are using headphones, you can also output an amplified mic level signal (3.5mm) to a DSLR or video camera to obtain quality audio for your wildlife or other video projects. You can also use the line level or XLR outputs for your recorder, while the mic level output drives your camera to further extend your audio quality and synchronization. For sports broadcasting, you can use the headphone output while still providing a mic level signal to the wireless transmitter. Plus, we can customize, for sports broadcasting, to meet your specific needs of inputs and outputs, such as including a monitor input to the headphones, and long cable length drivers.
The Amplified Pro Mono-Stereo Parabolic Microphone model contains two amplifiers, providing all the above features, plus adding audio mixing capability. Mixing allows you to combine the mono and stereo signals in any proportion into one stereo output. A switch is included to quickly disable the stereo signal for mono only use, without disturbing the gain. This integrated mixing capability saves you the expense and bulk of external mixers or multi-channel recorders in many applications. Only the Professional Amplified Mono-Stereo Parabolic Microphone offers separate mono and stereo channels with mixing capabilities. You can highlight the focused mono subject with little background stereo, have full wide-field stereo with no focused mono, or anything in between. This low cost, super portable system gives you complete audio control, opening many new opportunities.
The electronic amplifiers inside the amplified models are low cost, elegantly integrated into the parabolic microphone assembly, and add almost no weight. The amplifiers also have excellent RF immunity, and use the latest low noise components. They are powered from the internal 9-Volt battery, and use commonly available cables for connection to your equipment.
Amplifier Specifications:
Mono – Line/Headphone output = 3-55dB (less due to dish gain)
Stereo – Line/Headphone output = 12-64dB
Microphone output: (-)30dB referenced to line output
-129dBA @ max gain
Output Signal to Noise Ratio:
115dBA @ Min. Gain – Mono
105dBA @ Min. Gain – Stereo
Headphone Output Power:
35mW with 32 ohm headphones
Frequency Response:
Line/Microphone output: 20-30KHz
32 Ohm Headphone: 75-30KHz
6.0-11 Volts
9V Alkaline Battery Life:
Model ---------------- With Headphone Use ----------- Without Headphone Use
Mono Mic ------------------- 20 Hour ----------------------------------- 40 Hour
Mono-Stereo Mic -------- 20 Hour ------------------------------------ 30 Hour
Output Connectors:
Line/Headphone output: 3.5mm stereo
Microphone output: 3.5mm stereo
3.5mm rugged outputs are safe from accidental phantom power application. Line level reference is 0.775Vrms
Recorder and Head Phones NOT Included
Parabolic Microphone and Dish Only
Recorder and Headphones NOT Included