Hide your stuff in plain sight
We are all familiar with collecting small and expensive things. Sometimes jewellery or even electronics, but the point is, they are valuable - either monetarily, or with emotional significance, and they need to be kept safe.
Your stuff could just as easily be someone else's stuff - all it takes is a appropriately awesome object worth stealing, and a really cruddy job of locking it up. What are you thinking, sticking it in a safe? What nonsense! Where's a thief going to look first? That's right - your safe!
Hiding in plain sight - that's what you need to do. We've glued two random hardcover books together, drilled out several hundred pages, and boom-shaka! You've got the perfect hiding space for your valuables. Place these books crammed full of treasure on your bookshelf, and nobody will be the wiser.
Features: Two random hardcover's glued together and hollowed out, Storage cavity 6-1/2"L x 4"W x 3"D, Weighs about 2 pounds, Hide your most valuable objects in plain sight)